Right-sizing is why I started this blog

Hi, I am Shreyas, and this is my first post. Have you heard of ‘right-sizing’? Exploring the idea of ‘Information Right-sizing’ is why I started this blog. 

Usually, when organizations cut down the workforce to adapt to the current economic scenario. ‘Right-sizing’ is this process of cutting down the workforce or letting go. So what does right-sizing have to do with this blog? Let me explain.

We bought our first PC in the year 2000. By the time I was 15, I already had a profile on Orkut.com. In the meantime, I was a regular user of AOL.com, Yahoo messenger, MSN.com, Hotmail.com, and other feature websites. Those days, ASL meant bio, what’s up had nothing to do with the mobile application, and Internet Explorer was the fastest web browser. It has been fun to observe how technology has evolved and has been revolving around data. Mine and Yours.

In the past 15 years, data has become the center of all evolution. From the text recognition to the turmoils of an infodemic, data has brought both useful and harmful. During these years, I have actively expanded my social footprint, just enough to wake up in a pool of notifications every morning. Not very proud of it, but alas its life, eh? Thus, I feel right-sizing is a good way to organize the information and right-sizing is why I started this blog.

Today, on my 30th, I gifted myself with this website. The idea is to streamline my thoughts and summarize the learnings and experiences I’ve collected over the time and will collect in future. Perhaps there are parallel experiences with some strangers and this may serve to connect with them. Sort of a open-letter in the bottle experience in the digital age. 

Anyway, I sincerly hope that this blog will serve as portal for me to share with those willing to serve the society though their learning and experiences. As an experiment in self-exploration, let us see for how long this goes as we reach the mid of the year 2020. Somehow, this year feels like the year of right-sizing. Letting go of what is not essential. 

I hope you are keeping well and safe. Take care.


Shreyas Bharule